Dryad, a tree nymph in Greek Mythology

Following up up on my Greek Mythology series, after Cupid and Demeter, this is a Dryad, a nymph of the trees.

A Dryad is not just one specific entity, it’s a kind of nymph, along with so many others. So maybe, I’ll still draw other Dryads in the future, to add to the collection, since Nature is one of my main inspirations anyway 🙂 But in the meantime, there are so many other characters in Greek Mythology that I’ll probably do something else before I get to this kind of nymph again! So many interesting gods and goddesses to pick from, and heroes and other mythical beings to illustrate, it feels like an endless source of material to depict!

Dryad was done in Photoshop, with the first sketch done on paper, and subsequent changes all done digitally.

Digital illustration of a Dryad, nymph of the trees in Greek Mythology

Dryad, the final illustration.

Rough drawing of a Dryad, nymph of the trees in Greek Mythology

Dryad, the final rough.

Chilling Bears

Digital painting of some bears chilling on a tree, drinking coffee and playing chess. I’m trying some new approaches, like using saturated colors and brushes that reproduce traditional media.

Pintura digital de uns ursos relaxando em cima de uma árvore, tomando café e jogando xadrez. Estou testando abordagens novas, como usar cores saturadas e pincéis que reproduzem o efeito de mídias tradicionais.

Four bears on a tree, two of them playing chess, one of them drinking coffeeDetail of the bears.

Detalhe dos ursos.

Four bears on a tree, two of them playing chess, one of them drinking coffee

I really like seeing the creative process when I see a finalized painting, so, I’m going to share some of mine. Here are the sketches I did for it, while I was still exploring ideas. At first, I was going for a more subtle approach, with the colors, but I wasn’t really happy with it, it didn’t match the playfulness I wanted to depict on this scene.

Eu gosto muito de ver o processo criativo por trás de imagens finalizadas, então, vou compartilhar um pouco do meu. Aqui estão os rascunhos que eu fiz pra esta ilustração, enquanto eu estava explorando ideias diferentes. No início, eu tinha escolhido uma abordagem mais neutra, em relação às cores, mas eu não estava contente com isso, não combinava com a atmosfera divertida que eu queria mostrar nesta cena.

Sketch of four bears on a tree, two of them playing chess, one of them drinking coffee

Sketch of four bears on a tree, two of them playing chess, one of them drinking coffee


Sketches for a watercolor painting

The These are the first few sketches I did for my watercolor, A Burnt Tree. Col Erase pencil on paper.

Estes são os primeiros rascunhos que eu fiz para a minha mais recente aquarela, Uma Árvore Queimada.Lápis Col Erase sobre papel.

Sketches for a watercolor of a burnt tree.


And this is the final sketch, more detailed than the previous ones. Col erase and digital painting.

E este é o último rascunho, mais detalhado do que os anteriores.Col Erase e pintura digital.

Final sketch for a watercolor of a burnt tree.